FOLDER GLUER operator training

Increasing operator skill and productivity








A selection of folded cardboard cartons

With the quest for increase in speeds and reduction in waste, it is vital that operators' skills are at the highest level.

Alongside this, today's complex and often demanding carton designs again require your staff to be confident in their ability to efficiently produce the most demanding of carton styles.  Therefore, staff training at all levels plays a pivotal role in enhancing and developing a business, especially when working within a busy and demanding factory environment.

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Helping you meet your deadlines

Effective and efficient machine performance is the key when meeting production demands and therefore having staff trained at the right level will improve their skills, confidence, and ability.  This leads to improved machine enhancement, increased productivity and reduced levels of machine downtime.

As a wholly independent business, we are not tied to any manufacturer and so we can tailor folder gluer training packages to suit all machines and personnel within your department.

Folder gluer machine close up





 Courses tailored to your company

No course we provide is the same. We understand that all production houses have their own unique requirements. So how do we tailor the programme to suit you?

Traditionally, courses are tiered from a new starter to advanced operator with manufacturers providing a set list of not only content but duration, potentially leaving businesses with shortfalls and gaps in skills alongside increased costs. 

Every course we deliver is bespoke to you, personally designed through meetings either on-site or via video call to enable us to structure the course exactly to your requirements and to your business, and production, demands. From the one difficult make-ready to the new starter, we have got you covered.

Get In Touch Here






Contact us to arrange courses that are genuinely bespoke to your business.

 Call 07533 951477

or fill in the form here.

Elite Folder Gluer Services Ltd is registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number 15634955

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